Health & Wellnes Services offered by Paula

Health & Wellnes Services offered by Paula

Welcome to my business page, where I offer a bit of information on various services I provide in my quest for helping you achieve better health for you and your family.  The services do not come in a package but individually.  If you would like to consider getting several services at once, I do give a 10% discount if you bundle three or more services.  

Below is a list of the classes I teach for free and I also tell you a bit about the services I provide, what to expect and pricing.  

First off,  Without knowledge, people perish. Knowledge is power.  Truth; we need to know better in order to do better. My passion is to educate you on what has taken me many years to learn.   I have spent years researching as well as personally experiencing how it is to live largely toxin free compared to in a world full of radiation and synthetic chemicals contained in everyday products that I was simply unaware were causing me a problem.

With that being said, educational speaking engagements are free but I do ask that you have at least 10 people in attendance.  Currently I am offering 5 different classes: 

Free Classes offered March 2022*:
1. How to Modify Your Home for better health: EMF Protection strategies. 
2. Bio-hacking Your Body to Better Health
3. Introduction to the Use of Essential Oils for Better Immune Health
4. The Power of Aroma Freedom for reaching Your Goals; a Better State of Mind. 
5. Raindrop Therapy; Pure Essential Oils Applied to the Spine to Revitalize Your Body’s Systems.  

*classes are best done in person but some may be done via my Zoom Room! 

Class Descriptions and Pricing for related services offered:

1. How to Modify Your Home for better health: EMF Protection strategies
Class description: Education on what can be done about the high amounts of electrosmog in your home and how to make your home more of a safe haven. 

At the end of class: participants will be eligible to set up an appointment for their own Home Protection Safety Evaluation where I come to your home with various meters to measure dirty electricity, radio frequencies and electromagnetic fields that are present in each room of your home. Education regarding smart meters, lighting, furniture positioning and possible electronics changes to decrease the electro smog in your home thereby giving you a better chance at  improving your sleep which helps your body to heal itself.   $250 for your home’s evaluation. 
2. Bio-hacking Your Body to Better Health:
Class description: Top twenty ways to take care of your body, so you are in a better position for your body to be able to heal itself and shut down bad information.  Will contain some of the principles from class #1 but will go into much more personal care options to keep the body at optimum function in order to better fend off and/or recover from exposure to germs.  

You will get to sample plant based home and health products.  Special 10% discount for the first two people in March to sign up with a Premium product bundle from Young Living, these premium bundles are already 40% off retail.  24% off given for Thieves home, CBD and Essential oil home bundles or orders over 100 PV plus free shipping!  Gift of special spray bottle with sample of Thieves plant-based home cleaner for purchases made at time of the class.

3. Introduction to the Use of Essential Oils for Better Immune Health
Class description: How do essential oils work, why they are different than using traditional medicine, and what are the possible ways to start switching over to plant based care for you and your home.  

Opportunity to order a Premium Oil Bundle with a diffuser at 40% off retail or 24% off individual oils and products totaling over 100PV.   Appointments will be set up for Wellness and ITOVI scan session with me; $50 for session that lasts up to one hour. 

Read more about ITOVI scans here: 

4. The Power of Aroma Freedom for Reaching Your Goals; a Better State of Mind.   
Class description: Feeling stuck?  Concerned about the future?  In this teaching I cover exactly what aroma freedom consists of and then I lead you and your group through a “freedom” session.  You don’t have to share anything personal at all, in fact it is better if you stay in a private space to give your brain the best chance to dip into the subconscious.  

At the end, participants will be able to schedule bundles of 3 appointments for $300 payable at that time or one follow up at $125.

5. Raindrop therapy: this is (literally) a hands-on class for the host/hostess or a guest.  One participant will get to receive a “raindrop therapy” session in front of the class, which will involve 10 different essential oils applied along the spine in order to revitalize your body’s systems. Education regarding the oils will be given as they are applied. Must wear gown open to the back in order to put oils directly on the skin.  If the host would like to provide additional oils for a small fee and a massage table, more participants could be involved.  :-) 

Private 1:1 Raindrop therapy sessions can be scheduled for $125 given in my home in Keller and/or a free class of your choosing in your own home with your friends.  Choice of gifts for hosting a class with 10 attendees. 

Preventative, proactive protection is everything!  

Thank you for considering my services, I take your health seriously!  

Much love,       

            Paula Baron P.T.                 

 Paula M. Baron P.T., APPI Certified Pilates Instructor, Aroma Freedom Practitioner, Home Safety Evaluator; Distributor for Young Living Wellness Products!


Summary of Professional services offered:
  • EMF Home Protection Consultation: $250
  • Home office or place of business ergonomic evaluations: $150
  • Raindrop therapy: $125 spinal application
  •  Wellness support consultation (includes ITOVI scan) $50
  • Aroma Freedom Sessions $125 or 3 for $300
  • Private PT/Pilates: Evaluation: $125, $85 follow ups

Why Do I Need to Avoid Gluten and Dairy?

Why Do I Need to Avoid Gluten and Dairy?

If you have been around the posts talking about whether or not to avoid wheat and dairy you will see there is still much controversy over these foods that often make up a large portion of the American diet.  Other countries too I imagine, but I will keep my assumptions out of this.  J  


When my son was born, I was concerned about his tolerance to wheat and dairy because of the congestion these foods both cause me and some other family members.  But more than that was the way these foods are processed.  


Wheat, if you were not aware is a GMO, that stands for genetically modified organism.  Yup.  The wheat seeds as our ancestors knew them are no longer being used for growing the fields of wheat for most processed foods in our stores today.  

What exactly does it mean to modify a food?  In the lab, with wheat anyhow, they have injected the seeds with glyphosate.  Some people know this substance more commonly as “Round up”, yes, a weed killer.  Scientists have made this plant resistant to bugs but I would also argue it is now resistant to humans.  If a bug eats a kernel of wheat in a field, he can expect his insides to blow up.  No more bug problem.  


Unfortunately, you have now created a BIG problem for the humans who eat this crop.  It’s interesting that at the same time this way of farming was introduced, anti-depressant use in the US skyrocketed at an alarming rate.  The two can be correlated and I would say it probably is not a coincidence.  


Eighty percent of your serotonin resides in your gut, if you are ingesting a high wheat diet you can bet there will be chemical changes to your intestines.  Not to mention destruction of serotonin.  What else gets destroyed?  The microbiome and eventually the lining of the gut may be compromised.  This is known as leaky gut.  Now you are set up for food allergies, as tiny particles of proteins from your food will get out of the stomach and into the body in places it does not belong.  


The body then thinks it is seeing an invader, so it attacks.  Thus, the seemed allergy or better said, intolerance to wheat is seen.  And actually, many do not see it.  So, the body is put into an inflammatory state on an ongoing basis as long as these GMOs are being ingested.  In addition to the modification of the seeds, there is also spraying of the crops before and after harvesting, again with the glyphosate.  This produces the largest crop with the least amount of damage from pests and also makes the wheat come off the stalks easier.  


The other issues that have always been true with processed wheat is the loss of the bran, or the outer fibrous coating.  This is where the nutrition and fiber come from.  What we are left with is a food high in gluten content that is then extra hard to digest.  Gluten is the sticky part of the wheat.  Gluten content has skyrocketed with the modification of the wheat, making it more unhealthy now, compared to the wheat of long ago.  

Dairy is the other food that is hotly contested as to whether someone with a mucus problem, or anyone for that matter, should be ingesting.  I understand it can feel impossible to eliminate it, especially when children are young, but the results are oh so worth it.  Whether you think you can tell or not, dairy does cause excess mucus production and can occur without you seeing a thing until it is too late and sinus passages are blocked or ears have generated more yellow sticky fluid.  


As with all my blogs, I am trying to share with you how to get the body working at its peak performance.  This includes eliminating any possible sources of inflammation which can contribute to the cyclical issue of more mucus being produced and passages being blocked or slowed.  


The key for me with my children was not to have these products in the house so they were not aware of other options.  I’ll admit it became harder as they grew up, with all the pizza and cake at birthday parties and the school cafeteria that serves pizza as an option on a daily basis.  What I would say is do your best to keep the diet free of these things but don’t make yourself crazy over it.  


There are many options out there for milk, and also for wheat products, but ideally the switch would be to more natural whole foods than simply substituting one processed food for another.  


Wishing you and your family the best of health in 2022 and beyond.  


Much love, 
Paula Baron P.T.

#pureliving316                #biohackyourbody                #paulabaron

Speaking of Things as Though They Were

Speaking of Things as Though They Were
 When my son was born with a diagnosis as serious as Cystic Fibrosis, thankfully my husband and I were on the same page about not speaking negative things over him and his future.  What I did on my own though, was what I was taught in prayer classes: Speaking of things as though they (already) were.   

What does that mean exactly?  Just like Abraham called himself the father of many nations before he even had a child, I thanked God for healing my son of Cystic Fibrosis.  I thanked God for keeping his lungs clear and his GI tract healthy.  I spoke of my son as already having been healed from the Cystic Fibrosis, even though clearly, he was still dealing with the effects of the aberrant genes that cause digestive difficulties and also repeated sinus infections.  
In order to see things from God’s point of view, who they say stands outside of time and space, I would have to say that my son’s healing was done.  Paid for by the death of our savior Jesus Christ.  He took a beating so that my son could be healed, body and soul.  So, how did I reconcile that while my son was still manifesting signs and symptoms of CF?  
It is a faith and trust walk for sure, believing for what I did not see yet in the natural.  I just kept on thinking on the characteristics of God, being a good Father and one who had healing for His children.  I concentrated on doing all the things in the natural to help his body catch up to what the  Bible said, that He heals ALL our diseases.  And that we must take authority over all things on the earth, and I took that to even apply to Cystic Fibrosis.  
You may want to call me crazy at this point but I tell you, the spiritual walk of a Christian is quite counter culture to Western Medicine type thinking; see a symptom, hit it with a synthetic medicine.  The Bible mentions plants and essential oils over 1000 times in Scripture.  

He gave us all we need to expectorate, rejuvenate and heal our bodies, it is just knowing how to use these natural products that seems to limit the number of people using them in aggressive enough manners to really combat a sticky situation like Cystic Fibrosis.  
But not to worry, I will be doing a couple videos regarding total body cleansing first through diet and ingestion of herbs and then through all types of application of essential oils, from head to toe. 

 It is important to start thinking differently.  Start thinking about applying plants daily.  Yup, every single day.  Not just when you begin to not feel well, although that could be a good time to step it up!  

Much love, His grace and peace to you and yours,
Paula Baron P.T.

Find more info on the web by searching for #pureliving316 #biohackyourbody #paulabaron

The Role Epigenetics Play in Getting You to A Better State of Health

To those of you looking for the second half of our story, after the post on black mold, I have unfortunately had to hold off posting for legal reasons. Thanks for your understanding.  Now for more on bio-hacking and the role of epigenetics in your health!  

In one of my former blogs I explained about the role epigenetics play in your health.  Today I will go into the explanation a bit deeper and explain to you on a very practical level why epigenetics matter and what it means exactly when you influence your body’s cells, thereby impacting the DNA which then can influence the genes.  

I hope I haven’t lost you.  I know I had to read over and over, the information I am about to share with you, so please don’t worry if you need to read it a couple of times. 

Let’s start with the information that doctor’s aren’t telling you, at least most are not.  You are not a victim of your genes and neither is your child.  Aberrant genes, like the ones for Cystic Fibrosis can be switched on or switched off.  I believe that is why we can see such a radical difference in twins, for example.  

But let’s say you are seeing manifestations of bad information being populated by the genes.  The genes are telling the DNA how to fold the protein and if the gene is an aberrant one giving bad information, then it needs to be down-regulated or hopefully switched off.  

The way I heard it said helped me.  Bruce Lipton said it; you are a “protein machine”, meaning yes, you have gene transcription information in every cell but the cells are made up of more than 50% protein.  That is a lot of cell content to be able to influence.  So, let’s not focus on what the gene is saying but instead, let’s see how much we can influence the rest of the cell's contents to hopefully switch off the bad information that the one gene is sending.  

All the ways to alter the information influencing the cells is called epigenetics.  We are doing things that don’t directly impact the gene but get there by influencing all the things around the gene thereby eventually influencing the gene itself.  

Let me give you an example.  Let’s say my son didn’t want to clean up his room.  I have a choice, I can go in and clean it up, doing all the hard work to manage the mountain of laundry and the plethora of empty iced tea cans OR I can speak to him and tell him of the benefits of having a clean room.  I can also let him know a clean room allows him to keep his car keys and use his cell phone.  

This is every effective, if I take away the car keys and the cell phone, suddenly the room becomes clean.  I have influenced the outer world to change the inner.  O.k. maybe that was a silly example, but maybe someone reading this benefited from it.  â˜º  To finish that analogy, you noticed I first SPOKE to the “mountain”, I then influenced his THINKING, and then I changed my approach to taking some things away and the changes in his room occurred. 

Think of all the things you can do as I have suggested in my previous blogs (vitamin C, CBD, Vitamin D, decreasing exposure to damaging EMF, getting rid of products with synthetics, then changing how you speak and how you think).  All of these things play a role in our epigenetic environment.  It is your choice, what you allow into your home.  You can control at least the place where you likely spend the most time: your home. 

 It all matters.  

Every little thing you change can add up to a great change in the body’s ability to heal itself.  This is the role that epigenetics play in our body.  They are the outside influencers of DNA and ultimately can impact an aberrant gene.  

I saw it in my son and I pray the same thing happens for you.  

Please hear me.  Once you have worked hard to get all the changes in place, it does need to become a lifestyle.  This is not a case of take the pill so to speak for a few months or years and then you can go back to your prior lifestyle.  It takes diligence and tenacity but the results are OH SO WORTH it.  

I am not promising a cure here but a few things:  a great potential for change, less suffering, less dis-ease, less thick sticky mucus messing up the body’s systems, less hospitalizations, less medical trauma, and the list goes on.  I know what I speak of.  I have experienced it both ways so there is NO doubt in my mind.  

When we were going through cleaning our bodies out from the toxic mold exposure, it was a disciplined time, yes, but my boys actually never seemed healthier once the initial process was underway.  My older son had better grades than ever and my younger son was happier and better behaved.  

We must never underestimate (speaking to myself here first), the influence of our toxic world on our emotions as well as our health.  If we make enough changes in our home and even better share all this information with a neighbor, and they change their home products, we can influence the world.  One family at a time.  I honestly cringe every time my neighbor does laundry as I smell the strong synthetic fragrances being blown out of the dryer vent into the air.

If you are battling a disease, the last thing you need rubbing on your skin all day is something with plasticizers in them.  We know we absorb around 50% of what is put on our skin, and babies even more, so why would we use a toxic laundry detergent or dryer sheet and then wear the clothes or sleep on the sheets and expect it doesn’t influence our health?  Our skin is our largest organ, both of absorption and of detoxification.

Thanks for reading what is beginning to feel a little like a “rant”.  I certainly don’t mean to, I am just so passionate about how much influence we do have over our health and we are not being told that by modern medicine.  

Know better do better.  

I love you all!  Thank you for reading, if you got this far, you are a Rockstar! ☺ 

Paula Baron PT

God of the Impossible

What if I were to tell you about a story of what seems like the impossible. Would you listen?  Would you believe?  That’s what today’s blog will be about, a story that while it seems like it would be impossible, let me tell you, I lived it and it is possible. 
Easy?  Far from it.  Quick?  Not at all.  Neverending?  It sure seemed like it.  But it did finally come to an end.  
What am I talking about?  A child conceived and born with two abberant genes for Cystic Fibrosis to a 43 year old mother who was already unknowingly infected with black mold from a house full of invisible spores.  I guess that right there could be miracle enough, but the story goes on much further.  

Our baby boy was born at 12:34 pm, a healthy 8 lbs 3 ounces however a code had to be called because he wasn't breathing and his skin was an awful shade of blue.  Thankfully his breathing was cleared almost immediately and it seemed like all was well after that until his night feeds.  It seemed like he was hurting.  

We got “the call” at two weeks saying there was an abnormality on the new born screen but the pediatrician assured us they often have false positives, so the hospital lab would run the test a second time for Cystic Fibrosis.  
Sure enough a week later, we found ourselves at a pulmonary clinic in Ft. Worth Texas, where we were told of all the grim details of a disease that was known to be progressive.  My husband at the time asked the dreaded question regarding our son’s life expectancy.  The doctor explained that it had been twelve years old but recently the average life span with someone having these genes was 34.  

I was angry, hurt, sad, confused, bewildered, exasperated.  I was numb and I was horrified all at the same time.  How could this be true?  This was supposed to be a pregnancy of redemption.  I had thought that for his whole pregnancy, but I thought it was just about me.  You see my life had been filled with serious abuse in my childhood and my first pregnancy was fairly rough.  So, I thought God had promised me a free ride so to speak with baby number two. 
That’s what happens when I don’t ask too many questions but go on my human natural minded assumptions.  I had been attending a church that operated in the prophetic, giving words “in due season” as it is called.  This is where someone tells you some insight into your life that may be true right then or in the coming years.  It is always a positive encouraging word, so I interpreted that my pregnancy of redemption would be a really blessed event from start to finish.  
What I learned later was that when something is redeemed, it is bought and paid for with a price.  This pregnancy was not a free ride but a blessing of difficulties that would later be used to help many many people, including myself. 

It would bring people to the saving knowledge of Jesus and a God who did see and care about the difficulties they were facing when struck with a child having a potentially life-threatening disease. 
Our son actually looked great and grew well once getting on the life saving enzymes at that first appointment with the CF clinic.  But what we would come to discover when he was three years old was we all were getting sicker and sicker due to the invisible source of black mold and sewer gases coming up via the pipes in the bathrooms and kitchen sink.  
The builder did not cap off the main clean out and so the entire house had odorless unseen poison circulating in it for years while we slept, played, ate, and lived our lives until we couldn’t any longer.
After discovering the source under the kitchen sink finally, we fled the house and had to have it remediated and renovated.  A short four months later we were able to move back in, thanks to God and His amazing work of coordinating all the right people, materials and workmen.  
This would be the start of a 5 year process that seemed endless for our son with the sticky mucus and all the infections he was harboring but never showed up on throat cultures until he was four.  When “they” say CF is a silent disease, they are very accurate.  A person cannot rely on a throat culture or even signs or symptoms necessarily.  This is where I have learned how to be proactive from day one.  
The first thing I recommend when getting a diagnosis that deals with chronic inflammation like Cystic Fibrosis, is to consider all the environmental things that can be changed first.  I have written about them if you would like to go back and read my blog on your environment:  
There are several blogs that would be helpful, so feel free to click around and read more than just one.  
The second area I would tell you to address ASAP would be the amount of radiation coming into your home and especially take a look at the sleeping areas.  Click here for the blog that pertains to this:

After reading, I would be happy to help you in any way that I can.  I have set up a Zoom room where we can meet and I can determine next steps if you would like me to.  My specialty is being proactive, preventative but not perfect.  Perfect is too stressful.  But I can improve the odds of helping you to achieve homeostasis in your body or your child’s body which will help put it in a place to heal itself.  
Please return next week for the rest of the story…   Recovery from MRSA and Toxic black mold exposure.  
Thanks as always for reading and sharing this post if you find it helpful.  My goal is to help people world wide know about what we CAN do to fight this awful disease in as many small and big ways as possible.  

Much love, grace and peace to you, 

Paula Baron P.T.
#pureliving316    #biohacking     #paulabaron 

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