What is an Anti-Inflammatory Diet? (Biohacking Series 21 of 25)

Combatting inflammation cannot just be done with a pill or even consistent use of supplements that may work quite well, or so it would seem.  I actually can attest to the fact that getting back to consistently staying off gluten and dairy really helped with my body’s ability to cleanse and for my sinuses to completely clear.  
As much as I wish it were not true, you cannot out supplement a bad diet.  Believe me, I tried for years.  The best you can hope for with that is possibly a break-even but even that is doubtful.  
Getting the body the foods that it needs to fight through today’s world of pollution, from laundry detergent fumes to inhaled particles of formaldehyde coming from your floor cleaner, is invaluable in the fight against inflammation.  
Why does that matter to you?  If you have Cystic Fibrosis, or even if you don’t, inflammation is the basic foundational problem that is created in this disease process and in today’s world that is full of more toxic chemicals than ever.  If you look around your home and start to count the number of chemicals that you come into contact with either from personal care products to cleaning products or to furniture and carpet off gassing you might begin to see why.  
Today’s world is also fraught with more spraying of crops, spraying for mosquitoes, and chem trails being put out through the sky for who knows what purpose.  The onslaught of chemicals in the last 30 years has increased dramatically.  One by one, adding to our list of chronic conditions that seemingly have no explanation.  But they do.  
So back to you.  Whether you know it now or will know it later, your body is slowly being degraded by oxidation.  Inflammation feeds oxidation.  Think of it this way, you know how a copper pipe left outside in the wet grass will eventually turn green?  The pipes in your body are similar.  The body is a dark moist place and if not cared for properly can succumb to overgrowth of bacteria, yeast and fungi.  
When you suddenly have a joint that starts to hurt, what if it could be explained by bad blood products settling in the area.  You have pain, so you move it less.  You decide to see a doctor and they call it gout or arthritis.  What if the body had a better coping mechanism but it was being bombarded with pollutants, do you think it could do a better job of preventing what people now call aging?  
Indeed.  I do not intend to accept that I am getting old and this is just the way it goes.  I have too much to do for the Lord, helping people and speaking out about all the toxic pollutants in our world that are causing our population to have brain fog, fatigue, hormonal imbalances, and arthritis to name a few.  
So back to the point of this blog post.  Quality supplementation combined with a good diet, and being mindful of what products you use in your everyday life CAN and WILL make a difference with the amount of inflammation in your body. 
An anti-inflammatory diet consists of avoiding foods high in lignans, sugar, gluten and dairy.  Avoidance of soy and peanut products is also recommended.  So what is left to eat you ask?  A lot!  It does take a different mindset and dinner solutions are not quickly obtained through the drive thru, I will admit. 
Part of the key to eating fresh foods is because of their enzyme content.  Enzymes drive processes in the body and without them we are left with sludge in our cells.  I know, sludge is not exactly a good medical term, but it paints a picture no?  If all the fluids in the body are not moving through properly at a normal speed, then we are set up for aging, or oxidation to take place.  Oxidation is part of the inflammatory pathway.  
More specifics to a gluten free diet can be found in the articles posted below.  It’s more important than ever to clean up our diets for the sake of clearing out disease processes and getting our immune systems ready to do battle most effectively.  
Thank you for reading my post and let me know if you would like help with getting rid of the toxic products in your home, I have plenty of good ideas and would be honored to help you. 
Much love, peace and healing,
Paula Baron P.T.

Find further info on the web at these hashtags:  #pureliving316 #biohackyourbody#paulabaron

Bowel Regulation Using Natural Supplements Rather Than Synthetics (Biohacking Series 25 of 25)

Bowel Regulation Using Natural Supplements Rather Than Synthetics (Biohacking Series 25 of 25)

When you consider all the natural plants and supplements that can get the bowels moving it has to make you stop and wonder, why do you usually get recommended to take a synthetic chemical produced in the lab that can also be used as an engine lubricant?  Hmmmm…
I don’t know why, or I guess I could surmise a few reasons but that is not the point of this blog.  The point of this blog is to tell you what I did with my son for many years and quite successfully I might add. 
When my son was young, maybe two years old, I found he was going downhill in the energy department. Now, I don’t think this was just because he was lacking in minerals but that definitely was part of it.  We actually had been living in a home that had black mold spores floating around and sewer gases, unbeknownst to us.  Invisible poisons that were changing the landscape or as some would say, the terrain of our intestinal microbiome, not to mention our lungs and skin.  
Sadly, it would be over 6 years before we discovered it and this time included the conception and birth of our second son who was diagnosed with the two genes for Cystic Fibrosis at a mere 2 weeks old.  Maybe you are familiar with that?  By that I mean, the phone call that turned your world seemingly upside down.  
When he was just over three and our older son just over 8 years old, we would finally discover the reason we were all getting ill.  Mold.  Before the discovery however, I discovered the beauty of liquid minerals, containing mostly magnesium but also trace minerals important for cellular health as well as energy and GI motility.  
My son would take this for several years until he could take capsules. But then I also had to find a replacement for the minerals.  But this may be a little off course.   The point I am trying to get across is that the importance of magnesium and other minerals to keep the body properly functioning cannot be underestimated.  
This includes the significant issue of bowel motility.  If changing the diet does not take care of the issue, then it bears considering what else the body needs to function at it’s best.  Magnesium.  Vitamin C.  Vitamin D.  CBD.  Yes, CBD.  All of these nutraceuticals (fancy word for food supplements or vitamin supplements) help to keep the functions of the body, well, functioning!  
What if the slow down of the bowels is not due to sticky mucus but actually due to a lack of vitamins and minerals that a normal body needs and the person with CF genes may need even a bit more due to absorption issues and/or sticky mucus?
This is where it is critical to watch and observe the function of the GI tract, the sooner in life you keep this moving the better for the health of the child.  Epsom salts are largely comprised of magnesium, so why not give a baby a bath in Epsom salts?  It can help your child also get a great night’s sleep as well as get magnesium into the body through the skin, thereby skipping the GI tract.  It is calming and can help with your child’s emotions as well.  Put a drop of lavender into the salts and you also help the child relax and feel that all is well.  
The other neutraeutical that is helpful for moving things along is vitamin C.  The body does not make Vitamin C so it is important that a person gets enough through food and supplementation.  Some say you cannot take too much Vitamin C, but I do think there is a balance.  It also matters the source of the vitamin C and how it is processed.  
Last, pure powerful essential oils used consistently over time will also help keep the motility closer to normal.  There are several different options for which oils will help, but a few of my favorites are fennel and cardamom.  Herbs are similar to essential oils but not as powerful as a combination of the two.
This is what I have discovered after studying the oils and using them with myself and my son to help us keep our digestive systems regulated.  It is important to know the source of the oils you are using and how to use them safely.  That is what I love to do.  Help people do things more naturally.  
If this interests you, please feel free to reach out to me via FB messenger or through my contact page at www.pureliving316.com.  God gave us all we needed to expectorate, facilitate and break up fecal matter in the intestines and really, mucus throughout the body.  It is just a case of knowing how to do it with wisdom, safety and in amounts that will get you the desired result.    
Please reach out to me if you have any questions.  
Much love and thanks for reading, 
Paula Baron P.T.

Getting Your Good Fats For Cystic Fibrosis (Biohacking Series 24 of 25)

Getting Your Good Fats For Cystic Fibrosis (Biohacking Series 24 of 25)
When I started going to the clinic with my son what seems like forever ago and yet not that long ago, they definitely stressed he would need a high fat diet.  McDonalds?  Oh yeah.  Biscuits?  Oh yeah and make sure to have lots of gravy with those biscuits.  Hamburgers?  Order with extra cheese please.  
Something deep down in my soul silently cried out that this could not be right.  Why would someone with a digestive problem that could not digest fats properly, then proceed to eat much more of them?  And what about plant-based fats?  I asked the doctor a question about olive oil and he looked at me kind of funny and said to ask the dietician. 
Anyhow, I never did adhere to the instructions given to me at the clinic, but instead opted for plant based fats.  I admit, getting a lot of calories in took more creativity and effort than if I had gone the fast food route or double cheeseburger route, but he steadily gained weight even if some visits it was just a pound or two.  Keeping his digestive tract “clean” with healthy foods to keep it functional was a key I believe to his being able to absorb and grow.  Plenty of good rest was also part of the puzzle.  

When faced with taking a medication that requires fatty food intake twice a day on top of meals, I believe it is crucial for our CF community to stick to plant-based fats.  So, how does one do this?  
Avocadoes have been my favorite way to get fat into my son and when I don’t have a fresh avocado on hand I can sneak some avocado oil into his strawberry smoothie.  No one is the wiser.    A handful of cashews or almonds can be the other way to accomplish getting the good fats in or even a mug of warm water with ghee butter and a little mineral salt.  Tastes good and also helps to get the salt and mineral needs met, along with helping to cleanse the liver.  
Chicken broth, although not plant based, if it is made from bones and butter added to it, will give you the benefits of bone broth and good fat.  Coconut milk has plant-based fat in it, or you can have hard boiled eggs on hand, or a quick celery stick with nut butter. I prefer one called “Nutzzo” because it does not contain peanuts, yet it is the best tasting peanut butter alternative that I have tasted to date.  Almond butter is a close second.   

Energy balls made with oats, nut butter and maple syrup rolled in coconut flakes would be a good choice as well! I've also seen recipes for chocolate fudge made using dark cacao powder and coconut oil.  Breads made with almond or coconut flour toasted and topped with ghee butter would be excellent. 

Pouring a little grapeseed oil into your morning oatmeal or bowl of black beans also helps with getting good fat with no change in taste of the food that you are eating.  Olive oil can be used to make salad dressings and is much healthier than the forms of oils commonly used in commercially prepared dressings.  
I used to eat avocadoes with a dash of salt and Italian dressing on top of a saltine cracker.  Substitute almond crackers for the saltines and you have increased your fat intake a bit more.  The ways to get plant-based fats in for taking meds and proper weight gain are many, but most are not available on the go, as in going through a drive through.  So, proper planning is a must.  

There are other options for sure, but I wanted to list some plant based ones as it can be very tempting to eat a lot of dairy when wanting to increase fat intake but unfortunately that causes an increase in mucus production and may also contribute to constipation.  
So my last solution for “on-the-go” plant based fats would be energy bars made largely from nuts.  Or simply taking a jar of “Nutzzo” on the go, with a couple extra spoons.  Just so ya know, I do not get a kick back from the “Nutzzo” company.    I get it at Costco and while it is not inexpensive, the amount of good fat in it makes it worth the purchase price to me.  And nuts that have been ground up are easier to digest and assimilate. Win-win!
 As always, I pray you are in good health, 
Love and peace, 

Paula Baron P.T.

#pureliving316 #biohackyourbody #paulabaron

Herbs and Bitters and What They Do For Your Appetite For Sugar (Biohacking Series 23 of 25)

Herbs and Bitters and What They Do For Your Appetite For Sugar (Biohacking Series 23 of 25)

When I started using essential oils 7 years ago I remember someone saying if you feel like the entire box of Oreo cookies needed to be eaten at one time then you might have a sugar addiction.  I also remember them advising “my friend” who had this problem, to use dill essential oil to curb the cravings for serious amounts of sugar.  

I just could NOT imagine that could really work or maybe it was just because I, ahem, I mean, “my friend” enjoyed her sugary treats.  The problem was, so did the intestinal bacteria in “my friend’s” gut.  Over time, what started as food poisoning became a cause for weight gain as the microbiome in her stomach went topsy turvy.  Yes, I know, topsy turvy is not exactly a medical term, but I am working to keep this blog to generalities, as that is probably most accurate and honest.  

My friend’s cravings for sugar intensified and so did her weight.  Weight had not been a problem for over twenty years but now, with the microbiome disturbed and the stress levels high, the pounds kept adding up.  Then, the hormones began to go off balance again.  Not addressing this craving had high consequences.  

When a person has a disease that causes chronic inflammation, the risk of infection increases as the body, although trying to protect itself may inadvertently now trap the very bacteria it was trying to effectively deal with.  Ironic, isn’t it?  

Adding to the inflammation by eating sugar just inflames the problem.  Pun intended.  #sorrynotsorry.  Seriously though, sugar and especially sugar combined with dairy compounds the inflammatory issue and there is not a lot supplements can do.  Hold the inflammation at bay?  Maybe a bit, but ultimately, it will take some specific initiatives if one wants to REALLY get rid of inflammation and therefore decrease the flare ups in diseases with potential for chronic inflammation, not to mention infection.  

So how does one address the issue of a sugar addiction?  Will power is a good start but I truly believe that there needs to be a shift in one’s thinking and then the use of herbs and bitters in a capsule or as an essential oil applied to the skin.

I know, you are wondering how do you shift your thinking?  “My friend” asked the same thing.  Hehe.  There is a process called Aroma Freedom Technique.  It has to do with goal setting and clearing emotions using the powerful molecules of pure essential oils that travel up into the brain via the olfactory nerve to centers in the brain that are known to be called the seat of trauma.   This part of the brain is more specifically called the amygdala.  

I am finishing up my certification in this area of expertise, so please stay tuned for opportunities to do some group clearings.  The more people I work with at once, the more cost effective it is for everyone.  If you simply cannot wait, feel free to contact me via Fb messenger.  

Much love, 

Paula Baron P.T.  

More from this author can be found by searching the web at: 

#pureliving316 #biohackyourbody #paulabaron

Why Do I Need to Avoid Gluten and Dairy? (Biohacking Series 22 of 25)

Why Do I Need to Avoid Gluten and Dairy? (Biohacking Series 22 of 25)

If you have been around the posts talking about whether or not to avoid wheat and dairy you will see there is still much controversy over these foods that often make up a large portion of the American diet.  Other countries too I imagine, but I will keep my assumptions out of this.  J  


When my son was born, I was concerned about his tolerance to wheat and dairy because of the congestion these foods both cause me and some other family members.  But more than that was the way these foods are processed.  


Wheat, if you were not aware is a GMO, that stands for genetically modified organism.  Yup.  The wheat seeds as our ancestors knew them are no longer being used for growing the fields of wheat for most processed foods in our stores today.  

What exactly does it mean to modify a food?  In the lab, with wheat anyhow, they have injected the seeds with glyphosate.  Some people know this substance more commonly as “Round up”, yes, a weed killer.  Scientists have made this plant resistant to bugs but I would also argue it is now resistant to humans.  If a bug eats a kernel of wheat in a field, he can expect his insides to blow up.  No more bug problem.  


Unfortunately, you have now created a BIG problem for the humans who eat this crop.  It’s interesting that at the same time this way of farming was introduced, anti-depressant use in the US skyrocketed at an alarming rate.  The two can be correlated and I would say it probably is not a coincidence.  


Eighty percent of your serotonin resides in your gut, if you are ingesting a high wheat diet you can bet there will be chemical changes to your intestines.  Not to mention destruction of serotonin.  What else gets destroyed?  The microbiome and eventually the lining of the gut may be compromised.  This is known as leaky gut.  Now you are set up for food allergies, as tiny particles of proteins from your food will get out of the stomach and into the body in places it does not belong.  


The body then thinks it is seeing an invader, so it attacks.  Thus, the seemed allergy or better said, intolerance to wheat is seen.  And actually, many do not see it.  So, the body is put into an inflammatory state on an ongoing basis as long as these GMOs are being ingested.  In addition to the modification of the seeds, there is also spraying of the crops before and after harvesting, again with the glyphosate.  This produces the largest crop with the least amount of damage from pests and also makes the wheat come off the stalks easier.  


The other issues that have always been true with processed wheat is the loss of the bran, or the outer fibrous coating.  This is where the nutrition and fiber come from.  What we are left with is a food high in gluten content that is then extra hard to digest.  Gluten is the sticky part of the wheat.  Gluten content has skyrocketed with the modification of the wheat, making it more unhealthy now, compared to the wheat of long ago.  

Dairy is the other food that is hotly contested as to whether someone with a mucus problem, or anyone for that matter, should be ingesting.  I understand it can feel impossible to eliminate it, especially when children are young, but the results are oh so worth it.  Whether you think you can tell or not, dairy does cause excess mucus production and can occur without you seeing a thing until it is too late and sinus passages are blocked or ears have generated more yellow sticky fluid.  


As with all my blogs, I am trying to share with you how to get the body working at its peak performance.  This includes eliminating any possible sources of inflammation which can contribute to the cyclical issue of more mucus being produced and passages being blocked or slowed.  


The key for me with my children was not to have these products in the house so they were not aware of other options.  I’ll admit it became harder as they grew up, with all the pizza and cake at birthday parties and the school cafeteria that serves pizza as an option on a daily basis.  What I would say is do your best to keep the diet free of these things but don’t make yourself crazy over it.  


There are many options out there for milk, and also for wheat products, but ideally the switch would be to more natural whole foods than simply substituting one processed food for another.  


Wishing you and your family the best of health in 2022 and beyond.  


Much love, 
Paula Baron P.T.

#pureliving316                #biohackyourbody                #paulabaron

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