Colloidal silver to be exact.  
What is that exactly?  It is silver that has been chipped off in tiny particles by the power of a generator using electricity to create a charge on the particle of silver which keeps it suspended in the purified water. 
This is also known as oxidized or ionic silver.  It is much more capable to get in and out of the cells when created with these properties. When it is inside the cell, it causes the DNA of the germs to stop replicating.  
Crazy good huh?  But it gets even better.  
It also then travels on to the next bacteria and causes it to perish, and thus prevents formation of new infectious microbes.  It is called the “zombie effect”.  

I don’t know of any synthetic lab created pharmaceutical that is this powerful.
Why ya’ll aren’t beating down my door to make sure you have some on hand is beyond me, unless I just have not expressed it well enough.
So, here’s the deal.  March is a lovely month.  It’s spring.  So I am going to have a spring sale to match my mood.  Come pick up a quart or ½ quart with applicators and I will give you 50% off the next time you come for a refill.  
Yup.  It’s that important to me that you get it and see the benefits for yourself.  
O.k. sorry, shiny squirrel!!!  The two fold benefits of ionic colloidal silver…
  1. Kills over 650 different pathogens and does not have ill side effects. Could be used in place of a synthetic anti-biotic.  Prevents formation of infectious colonies. 
  2. This next one will take a bit of explaining. So, Dr. Baker discovered a correlation between people who had inadequate levels of silver in their bodies and more sickness.  Apparently low silver is related to a less than optimal functioning immune system.  
Who here knows that 90% of people are deficient in minerals?  It is the foundation of our health to have the 90 essential nutrients that the body does not make, in adequate amounts on the daily.  
Silver is one of them.  And a critical one, as it’s function is to keep the immune system working optimally. 
So why not spend your dollars on well-care instead of sick care.  A shift in thinking needs to happen here.  Taking your vitamins so to speak. And actually, quite literally taking your minerals.  Esp this form of silver to be exact, to support the immune system and help prevent illness. 

I am tired and sad to keep seeing my friends all over face book say they got the crud, and they could have been taking the silver to hopefully have avoided this illness or at least have it on hand when needed!  

If you got this far, thank you for listening!  I work from home and can arrange for porch pick up or come in and have a cup of tea!  I will deliver locally in some instances for a small fee.  I can help you with your health if you like or we can have a quick chat about life.  I look forward to meeting you! 


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