The Power of Your Words

The Power of Your Words

Something that I think can never be underestimated enough is the power of the spoken word.  God tells us in his Word that the power of life and death is in the tongue.  What kind of things do you say about yourself or your child’s diagnoses?  Do you insist your child learn all about how their body is not working properly or what about teaching them instead about how God made several alternate pathways if one part is missing or broken?  

Several years ago I went to a teaching at my church that was comparing “the truth” and “the facts”.  
I’ll admit it took me a lot of time to understand the difference and how it mattered.  If we use our minds using earthly thinking then all we will see are the facts.  It takes heavenly vision otherwise known as faith to envision our bodies healed.  
Think of all the women in the bible who had to exercise their faith when in fact, the facts looked very contrary to what they were believing for.  Sara for instance.  Well, I guess she laughed when the Lord told her she would bear a child in her old age, but Abraham believed and he was counted as righteous.  And surely enough, 25 years later he started the lineage that would include the Lord Jesus Christ.  Think about it, his lineage had all sorts of crazy characters from disobedient God loving servants like David to a harlot who hid people in her home so they would not be discovered and killed.  

Faith is the evidence of what is not seen but what is hoped for.  Did I get that right? Apparently, it got me far enough, as I admit, I felt a little funny at first speaking out over my child at night, thanking God for healing our son’s Cystic Fibrosis, and in the same sentence commanding inflammation to go from his belly and for his liver to be cleansed.  Sometimes I would command for congestion to leave his bronchioles without any further harm and well, you get the idea.  

Our words do matter.  In the first book of Genesis the Lord tells us to take dominion over the earth and all the things in it big and small (I take that to!).
28 Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.”

What does it look like or better yet sound like to take dominion?  I believe it takes controlling our tongues and speaking life not death over our children.  It takes us commanding things to die and commanding things to live.  We can speak to the inflammation or the congestion and tell it to go or we can be fearful of it and let it rule our minds.  Am I saying you will not have fear?  No, not likely.  Unless you are way way better than me, lol.  But that’s o.k. faith can exist even when there is fear.  
Do it afraid.  
When I was in the hospital room the night I gave birth, I was complaining to the Lord about how my son was born not breathing.  Nope.  Totally blue and not saying a peep.  A code blue was called and it was as if the rescue team was standing right outside the room right away in case they were needed.  
The Lord’s steady reply to my complaint was Psalm 8.  
O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth!
    Your glory is higher than the heavens.
You have taught children and infants
    to tell of your strength,[b]
silencing your enemies
    and all who oppose you.
When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers—
    the moon and the stars you set in place—
what are mere mortals that you should think about them,
    human beings that you should care for them?[c]
Yet you made them only a little lower than God[d]
    and crowned them[e] with glory and honor.
You gave them charge of everything you made,
    putting all things under their authority—
the flocks and the herds
    and all the wild animals,
the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea,
    and everything that swims the ocean currents.
O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth!
I had already forgotten how when the code team was working on my son I whispered across the room, 

“In Jesus name, breathe”.  

My son was fine.  No need for the NICU, no need for anything further.  And I don’t take the credit, all the glory goes to God and the power of his son’s name.  We must be a part of His plan.  Let Him open your mouth.  Use your will to do things even though you may feel silly or are not sure.  
Often in the WORD (Bible), the scriptures, we will see “if then” statements.  
If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways then I will forgive their sin and heal their land.  
If we seek Him with all of our hearts, [then]we will find Him.
Praise the Lord, oh my soul, bless His holy name.
Praise the Lord oh my soul, all my innermost being.
Praise the Lord oh my soul, He who forgives all of our sins AND 
Heals ALL our diseases. 
What, you think you don’t have enough faith?  I would say it only takes a mustard seed.  I would tell you that there were plenty of times where I felt scared and confused.  That’s o.k.  Keep on keepin on.  Do your best to make the changes in your environment, diet and lessening the amount of synthetics in your life.  Every little bit adds up.  Make one change at a time or many at one time.  However you can, just begin the process.  
I’m not saying it will be easy.  I’m not saying this will be done over night or even in a year.  It took five years for my son to be cleaned out so to speak from the damage done by the black mold that we had been living in for several years, unknowingly breathing in toxins throughout our beautiful home.  
Don’t be afraid to try.  I had plenty of times where we fell off the wagon so to speak, I did not do everything perfect but God honors your efforts and hears your prayers, even when it may not seem like it, choose to keep on going, making natural choices in all that you do.  It does really matter.
In the famous words of Maya Angelou, once again, “Know better, do better.”
Much love, peace and grace to you and yours, 
Paula Baron P.T. 

#pureliving316   #biohackyourbody   #paulabaron

What Exactly is BioHacking?

What Exactly is BioHacking?
Have you been reading my series on ways you can get your body to heal itself?  Over the past 13 weeks I have been writing and posting a blog a week, each with a tip about what you can do to help your body be able to do what God designed it to do, heal itself.  

For example, when you see you have a scratch on your arm, you may or may not notice that the body goes through a series of steps to get back to normal.  First a red area will appear and if the scratch is deep enough blood will come out.  Immediately if the body is in it’s right state, meaning no disease or excess inflammation, then the cut will begin to clot and the inflammation in the area will show up to bring all the parts of the blood that need to be present to fight off infection and make sure the blood clots and eventually to close up the wound and lay down any new skin needed.  

Now think about if that area had diabetes and the person tended to carry a lot of inflammation in their body.  The cut would have more trouble healing up because there were other factors impeding or preventing the body from doing it’s job.  

It’s much the same when the body is bombarded by all the different pollutants in today’s environment, be it high amounts of radiation from all the electrical devices we use or high amounts of synthetic ingredients from our many bath, body, laundry & cleaning products.  

Now let’s say this person also ingests high amounts of sugar and takes multiple prescription pills.  More inflammation, more foreign substances that the body is already having to deal with.  

Now expecting the body to heal itself is, well, not quite fair.  So then we get irritated with our body and think it should do better.  Negative thoughts towards ourselves. 
It all matters.  So, to circle back around to the beginning, I have written a series of articles on things you can do to start getting the body better able to do what it was designed to do, heal itself.  Shut down misinformation and function as it should.  This is what bio hacking is.

If you want to go back and read my first 13 blogs at: 

 You will find everything from certain vitamins and supplements to decrease inflammation to information on how to decrease the harmful radiation from all your electrical devices, at least at night.  

In the coming weeks my blog will be taking a slight turn to focus much more on your thoughts, words, and beliefs. This is very much needed because the body definitely follows instructions, whether good or bad.  Please stay tuned.  
Much love, peace and healing, 
Paula Baron PT

#pureliving316 #biohackyourbody #paulabaron

The Benefits of Coconut Oil in Your Mouth and On Your Skin

The Benefits of Coconut Oil in Your Mouth and On Your Skin
Have you heard about the benefits of swishing coconut oil around in your mouth?  Some call it “oil-pulling”.  The benefits are many, similar to how using a mouthwash could be beneficial but way better.  First off I would like to let you know about the types and grades of coconut oil.  
When you go to your big box stores you are likely to find a couple kinds, but you will get even more selection at a health food store or you can do what I do and buy it by the 10 gallon drum at Costco.  Hehe O.k. maybe not 10 gallons, but you get my point.  Costco does everything bigger and IMO better, kind of like Texas. Everything is bigger in Texas!  Big hair, big trucks, uh oh, rabbit trail.  Sorry. 
Back to the topic at hand.  My recommendations are for food grade, unrefined, organic, whole coconut oil unless you are making your own capsules, then MCT oil.  MCT stands for Medium Chain Triglyceride; this is what I would say is a modified form good for massage and making capsules, otherwise why not use the whole natural unrefined form?  The impact of a plant is always greater in the form closest to how it was created.  
So, back to the “Pull”.  Putting a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth and pulling it forward and back, and side to side will have amazing power to pull out bacteria hiding in gum tissues.  It is good for the health of your whole body actually, as oral health is directly related to gut health and gut health is related to lung health and well, you get the idea.  Our bodies are intricately intertwined.  
You might find just swishing for a couple minutes in the beginning will be enough to pull up the unwanted bacteria.  It is super important that you don’t then swallow the coconut oil but dispose of it in a paper towel and toss in the trash.  I don’t want to take the risk of clogging up pipes when it turns back from liquid to solid form and you certainly don’t want to put that bacteria into your stomach.  
The mouth is considered a mucous membrane, right?  So, now onward to the other mucous membranes that could benefit from the soothing properties of coconut oil.  Your nasal membranes for example, and the lady bits or your “package” if you are male.  Sorry, I guess I could be more anatomically direct here.  The vagina, rectum and penis/scrotum are also considered internal areas aka mucous membranes.  This is because of the nature of the skin, so thin it has been said to be 300 times more absorbent than other areas of skin on our bodies.  
Wowza, hopefully that will make you think twice or three times what lubricants, sprays and gels you might be using in or on any of these orifices.  Have you read the bottle for the ingredients in your nasal spray for example?  Our bodies would be so much better off if they were not having to deal with all the synthetic products that we apply or have floating in the air that we then absorb into our systems via the nasal membranes, mouth or private parts.  
Think about it, laundry detergent, simple nasal sprays may contain preservatives, dishwashing liquid, dishwasher detergent, and the list goes on.  You may have already read my blog on household products where I tell the story of smelling a toilet and sink scrub product down the hall an hour after using it to clean my son’s bathroom.  
If our bodies are so busy processing, filtering and trying to get rid of synthetics it makes it a whole lot harder to do the job it was designed to do, heal itself.  

And in case you were not aware, mouth health is related to gut health is related to lung health!  We are a very intricate finely connected masterpiece.  Why not start with assisting your body to pull out unwanted bacteria?  

Thanks as always for reading.  Please consider signing up for my blog if you want to know more about the power of plants.  If not, you can come back each week for more information on bio-hacking your health.  In fact, next week I explain that term in more detail: bio-hacking. 
Grace, peace and truth to you, 
Paula Baron P.T. 

What Do You Do About Your Electrical Devices At Night

What Do You Do About Your Electrical Devices At Night
 Have you ever thought about the fact that you don’t need ANY devices to be turned on throughout the night? Did you know with the new “smart” meters installed on our homes you constantly have electricity running throughout the walls in your home?  Well, not to worry.  

You can call the electric company and ask for what is called an “opt out”.  Yup, they will come and take down the existing meter and replace it with one of the older formats, a digital meter.  

This will be step one.

I live in an apartment, so although I cannot eliminate the electricity running through adjoining walls, I can have some rooms that have less radiation exposure.  My meter is the one on the left.

Step two, be sure that you are not sleeping next to any Bluetooth devices or cell phones that are turned on and thereby receiving cell signals all night long.  Think of it like this:  
 Cell phone: “Hey, where’s my connection?”  Sends signal.
 Cell tower: “Where are you?  I want to connect!” Sends signal. 

This goes on all night long.  If you are in an area of poor cell coverage you get an even stronger charge of radiation coming into your home, right next to your bed or even your head if you sleep with your phone near your pillow.  Teenagers are famous for sleeping with it under their pillow.  
Now there is the issue of magnetic fields and dirty electricity. If you sleep with your bed right up against the wall where your lamp and clock radio are plugged in, you are getting a constant electric field shooting off of those as well.  
What are the answers?  Pull your bed 6 inches away from the wall.  Test the wall outlets with a meter that will tell you if it is wired properly as well.  (see picture below).  

 Turn your cell phone onto airplane mode.  Your alarm will still work and you can still listen to any content you have downloaded.  I like to listen to podcasts as I go to sleep on Spotify.  I love that it still works in airplane mode!
The other thing to check out is the placement of any meters outside your home.  Is it on the same wall that backs up to your bed?  Consider changing out the meter but first thing you can do is move your bed.  Distance is your friend.  The benefit of how far away you move is exponential.  Don’t ask me to explain that, it just means the benefit really increases with every foot you move away from an appliance or meter.  

While some people do not recommend it, I often choose to shut down the electricity to my bedroom at night. This makes a world of difference in how rested I feel in the morning and my feet actually feel flat on the floor rather than slightly tense and not quite flat.  I also feel lighter in my spirit, like I have hope back again.  

Please do not judge the messenger, the effects of radiation coming from electrical wiring is real and me being sensitive is a gift to you, because I can warn you, even though you might not “feel” something is wrong.  Your cells know it.  I know it.  Now it is time for you to know better, do better.  
I know. I know.  Maya Angelou said the last part of the above paragraph.  It’s just so, well pithy!  

Love her.  

I hesitate whether or not to mention it but what the hay.  In my case, being highly electrosensitive required me to take yet another step in eliminating radiation coming into my bedroom from my neighbor’s weather radar as well as all the WIFI coming from the neighborhood.  I don’t know what else was coming in, but I decided to do an experiment of sorts.  
Picture 1:
This is my son’s bed canopy.  I have a queen size one but at the moment am choosing to sleep in his bed when he is at his Dad’s because on this side of my apartment there are less shared walls and therefore less radiation coming into this room.  
Inside it is sort of like a tent!  :-) 

Picture three & four:
You may choose to make a canopy frame yourself, as pictured here, I put PVC pipes together to form a frame about 4-6 inches wider than the bed to allow for clearance of the canopy.  I bought the canopy made of blok-silver material off a website that is based in England.  They are fabulous to work with.  
I do not collect any commissions from the sale of any of their goods, although they did mention sending me some air tube headsets  (more on these later).  I also bought some leggings and a sweatshirt lined with this material and after wearing them to a conference, my pain levels were much less than I normally experience after being around so much radiation.  
Picture five:
Here is my beautiful four poster bed, which I chose in order to easily hang the canopy over the top.  The only issue here is the canopy does not reach the floor completely so that it touches the grounding mat that is put under the bed.  I still feel the benefit is great enough and I still ground the mat underneath the bed (see next picture).
Picture six:
Grounding rod placed into the earth outside the window next to my bed and then wire is run back to the grounding mat and attached using an alligator clip. Cat's back side strategically placed to hide the dirt on the windowsill.  Cat not necessary for the grounding wire to work. (if you couldn't tell, this is my odd sense of humor popping up again!  #sorrynotsorry) For a grounding rod I simply used a tent stake and wrapped the wire around it before placing into the ground.
Picture 7: alligator clip attached to the grounding mat that is under my bed.  Mat received from same company I purchased the canopy from.  Canopy originally came with straps so it could be hung from the ceiling.
Side note: I’ve read where you can ground your mat using the electrical outlet however I found that this caused me to be picking up a lot of dirty electricity and I ended up getting a high body voltage.  Not good.
Picture eight:
Meter 1:  EMF meter 
Meter 2: EMF, RF and magnetic field meter 
Meter 3: Body voltage meter
Meter 1 is used to detect high frequencies such as WiFi usually put off by “smart” devices such as cell phones, blue tooth devices, smart TVs, Alexa (don’t even get me started) and the like.
Meter 2 is a less expensive meter that tests all three- EMFs or high frequency waves, RFs or electric waves, and magnetic fields.  I bought the ES124 which seems to do what I need it to.  I am by no means an expert on which device to buy. 
Meter 3: Used to detect the amount of charge your body is holding.  Ideally this would be a zero, particularly in bed as you sleep.  
My goal for all my clients, friends and family is to get an AWESOME night’s sleep EVERY night so the body can do what it is designed to do, heal itself.  
Please feel free to leave comments or questions in the chat on FB or on my website where the blog is posted.  
Thank you so much for visiting my site and reading my blog post, it is so important we all take responsibility for at least our own homes and further on whenever possible!  

Are You Hard Wired In Your Home?

Are You Hard Wired In Your Home?
You may have read my last blog post about the dangers of Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) and your DNA.  Or maybe you haven’t, I think it would bear reading that blog first.  EMFs and your DNA

Anyhow, onward and upward as they say.  Who says that anyways?  Sorry, I digress.  
Back to the main point of this blog, do you have smart electronics in your home?  Or is everything you use wired to the power or the internet with a wire or cord?  What I intend to show you today is that getting your home less invaded by radiation IS possible.  The first step being to shut off the WIFI and use ethernet cables to plug into your laptops, desk tops and even your IPADs.  
Smart phones are a whole different animal, although they can be wired up to the internet, it may prove to be too tempting to just unplug it to step away with it as we want to go sit on the couch or go out to our car.  I am in the process of making this very decision myself.  Ugh.  I heard that productivity goes way up when you dump the phone.  Guess you would be more intentional about what you are doing with your time if you didn’t have this small set of cells buzzing, dinging and ringing at you, hey?
Going about hard wiring your electronics is not as inconvenient as you might think, I believe it takes a mindshift and then the creative juices can start flowing on how to accomplish this if you have been used to walking around the house with your laptop, for example.  
Picture one:
Adapter for ethernet cord to USB 
Picture two:
USB-C Adapter that has 8 different ports in it and an ethernet port on the end.

Picture three:
Modem for the internet with plug in points for ethernet and a telephone. (more on this later)
Picture four:
In case you have many devices, here is a splitter or Router that will give you the capability to hook up 8 different devices using ethernet cable!  
Picture five: 
Wired keyboard and mouse to replace wireless ones.

The next big question would be how to decrease the radiation from your cell phone.  There are two ways to skin a cat, I always say.  Well, actually I don’t really ever say it, but it did seem fitting at that moment.  Anyhoo, if you are not willing to give up your smart phone for a dumb phone, then here are some tips to at least decrease your body's exposure to the amount of harmful radiation:

Put the phone in airplane mode while you sleep or even throughout the day if you have times where you don’t need to be immediately accessible.  
Send a text rather than stay on a long phone call. 
Use your phone on speaker mode and put it a foot away from your body rather than holding the phone up to your ear or mouth.
Video two:

Download content onto your laptop then turn off the WIFI. 
Only turn Wifi receptor on when absolutely necessary and then, do not have the “laptop” on your lap! 
Radiation is cumulative, so each thing you change adds up to preserving your health.
I would show a third video of a smart TV going into the garbage bin, but alas, I do not have one.  I chose to buy a used plasma TV off a local selling site.  And for sure I do not use any bluetooth items such as wireless earbuds.  Making sure these “receptors” for WIFI and Bluetooth are turned OFF is critical, because even if you are not using them, they will still be searching for a connection thereby sending out radiation if you do not turn them off at the source.  
Please see attached articles as to why you should hardwire your home.  The health effects are real, even if you are not aware of any concerns at this point.  If you have a genetic defect like my son, the critical issues of radiation are multiplied, but they are still a concern for ALL of us.  

Thank you so much for reading.  Much love, healing and peace,

Paula Baron P.T.

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