Part of my journey has been a loooong recovery from a deadly black mold infestation. I would say, without exaggeration that it destroyed my immune systems as well as both my sons.
It would take a good 5 years of intensely cleaning out my son’s systems, and after helping him, I did a second major clean out of my body that was 12 weeks to clean out my systems further, from the mold remnants. This was a full 7 years from when I first got out of the disastrous hazardous mess of a home.

Thankfully, with God’s guidance and lots of tenacity with natural means, I was able to purge the last of my systems infections.
Was it easy? No, but it was oh so worth it.
Many people never recover from black mold.
Why not you ask? Well, I suppose it is because modern medicine certainly does not know how to address the issues with the tissues. Not strictly the GI system or the liver,, but also deeply embedded into the lining of the lungs, the GI system and the bladder.

How do you do something so deeply thorough? Start off slow. Start off with a really strict diet and gradually add in remedies.
How do you know what to do when?
This is where I come in. I can share with you the process that my family went through and work to trouble shoot next steps for you along the way.
This is where I come in. I can share with you the process that my family went through and work to trouble shoot next steps for you along the way.
The cost? I charge by the hour for consultations and have products that I recommend. Some I will make a small percentage on but many I will not. I will only recommend products that I myself have tried in my own recovery, just because that is what I know.
Are you interested in a consultation? I will do a free thirty minute consultation to see if we are a good fit together, so to speak and if I think I can help you. I am not looking for clients, but for students who want to take their health in their own hands and are ready to change.
My advice should not be construed as medical advice. I am simply sharing things I did in my recovery and it will be up to you if you decide to take the ideas and put them to work in your own journey towards better health.