Colloidal silver to be exact.
What is that exactly? It is silver that has been chipped off in tiny particles by the power of a generator using electricity to create a charge on the particle of silver which keeps it suspended in the purified water.
This is also known as oxidized or ionic silver. It is much more capable to get in and out of the cells when created with these properties. When it is inside the cell, it causes the DNA of the germs to stop replicating.
Crazy good huh? But it gets even better.
It also then travels on to the next bacteria and causes it to perish, and thus prevents formation of new infectious microbes. It is called the “zombie effect”.
I don’t know of any synthetic lab created pharmaceutical that is this powerful.
I don’t know of any synthetic lab created pharmaceutical that is this powerful.
Why ya’ll aren’t beating down my door to make sure you have some on hand is beyond me, unless I just have not expressed it well enough.
So, here’s the deal. March is a lovely month. It’s spring. So I am going to have a spring sale to match my mood. Come pick up a quart or ½ quart with applicators and I will give you 50% off the next time you come for a refill.
Yup. It’s that important to me that you get it and see the benefits for yourself.
O.k. sorry, shiny squirrel!!! The two fold benefits of ionic colloidal silver…
- Kills over 650 different pathogens and does not have ill side effects. Could be used in place of a synthetic anti-biotic. Prevents formation of infectious colonies.
- This next one will take a bit of explaining. So, Dr. Baker discovered a correlation between people who had inadequate levels of silver in their bodies and more sickness. Apparently low silver is related to a less than optimal functioning immune system.
Who here knows that 90% of people are deficient in minerals? It is the foundation of our health to have the 90 essential nutrients that the body does not make, in adequate amounts on the daily.
Silver is one of them. And a critical one, as it’s function is to keep the immune system working optimally.
So why not spend your dollars on well-care instead of sick care. A shift in thinking needs to happen here. Taking your vitamins so to speak. And actually, quite literally taking your minerals. Esp this form of silver to be exact, to support the immune system and help prevent illness.
I am tired and sad to keep seeing my friends all over face book say they got the crud, and they could have been taking the silver to hopefully have avoided this illness or at least have it on hand when needed!
If you got this far, thank you for listening! I work from home and can arrange for porch pick up or come in and have a cup of tea! I will deliver locally in some instances for a small fee. I can help you with your health if you like or we can have a quick chat about life. I look forward to meeting you!
Part of my journey has been a loooong recovery from a deadly black mold infestation. I would say, without exaggeration that it destroyed my immune systems as well as both my sons.
It would take a good 5 years of intensely cleaning out my son’s systems, and after helping him, I did a second major clean out of my body that was 12 weeks to clean out my systems further, from the mold remnants. This was a full 7 years from when I first got out of the disastrous hazardous mess of a home.

Thankfully, with God’s guidance and lots of tenacity with natural means, I was able to purge the last of my systems infections.
Was it easy? No, but it was oh so worth it.
Many people never recover from black mold.
Why not you ask? Well, I suppose it is because modern medicine certainly does not know how to address the issues with the tissues. Not strictly the GI system or the liver,, but also deeply embedded into the lining of the lungs, the GI system and the bladder.

How do you do something so deeply thorough? Start off slow. Start off with a really strict diet and gradually add in remedies.
How do you know what to do when?
This is where I come in. I can share with you the process that my family went through and work to trouble shoot next steps for you along the way.
This is where I come in. I can share with you the process that my family went through and work to trouble shoot next steps for you along the way.
The cost? I charge by the hour for consultations and have products that I recommend. Some I will make a small percentage on but many I will not. I will only recommend products that I myself have tried in my own recovery, just because that is what I know.
Are you interested in a consultation? I will do a free thirty minute consultation to see if we are a good fit together, so to speak and if I think I can help you. I am not looking for clients, but for students who want to take their health in their own hands and are ready to change.
My advice should not be construed as medical advice. I am simply sharing things I did in my recovery and it will be up to you if you decide to take the ideas and put them to work in your own journey towards better health.
Combatting inflammation cannot just be done with a pill or even consistent use of supplements that may work quite well, or so it would seem. I actually can attest to the fact that getting back to consistently staying off gluten and dairy really helped with my body’s ability to cleanse and for my sinuses to completely clear.
As much as I wish it were not true, you cannot out supplement a bad diet. Believe me, I tried for years. The best you can hope for with that is possibly a break-even but even that is doubtful.
Getting the body the foods that it needs to fight through today’s world of pollution, from laundry detergent fumes to inhaled particles of formaldehyde coming from your floor cleaner, is invaluable in the fight against inflammation.
Why does that matter to you? If you have Cystic Fibrosis, or even if you don’t, inflammation is the basic foundational problem that is created in this disease process and in today’s world that is full of more toxic chemicals than ever. If you look around your home and start to count the number of chemicals that you come into contact with either from personal care products to cleaning products or to furniture and carpet off gassing you might begin to see why.
Today’s world is also fraught with more spraying of crops, spraying for mosquitoes, and chem trails being put out through the sky for who knows what purpose. The onslaught of chemicals in the last 30 years has increased dramatically. One by one, adding to our list of chronic conditions that seemingly have no explanation. But they do.
So back to you. Whether you know it now or will know it later, your body is slowly being degraded by oxidation. Inflammation feeds oxidation. Think of it this way, you know how a copper pipe left outside in the wet grass will eventually turn green? The pipes in your body are similar. The body is a dark moist place and if not cared for properly can succumb to overgrowth of bacteria, yeast and fungi.
When you suddenly have a joint that starts to hurt, what if it could be explained by bad blood products settling in the area. You have pain, so you move it less. You decide to see a doctor and they call it gout or arthritis. What if the body had a better coping mechanism but it was being bombarded with pollutants, do you think it could do a better job of preventing what people now call aging?
Indeed. I do not intend to accept that I am getting old and this is just the way it goes. I have too much to do for the Lord, helping people and speaking out about all the toxic pollutants in our world that are causing our population to have brain fog, fatigue, hormonal imbalances, and arthritis to name a few.
So back to the point of this blog post. Quality supplementation combined with a good diet, and being mindful of what products you use in your everyday life CAN and WILL make a difference with the amount of inflammation in your body.
An anti-inflammatory diet consists of avoiding foods high in lignans, sugar, gluten and dairy. Avoidance of soy and peanut products is also recommended. So what is left to eat you ask? A lot! It does take a different mindset and dinner solutions are not quickly obtained through the drive thru, I will admit.
Part of the key to eating fresh foods is because of their enzyme content. Enzymes drive processes in the body and without them we are left with sludge in our cells. I know, sludge is not exactly a good medical term, but it paints a picture no? If all the fluids in the body are not moving through properly at a normal speed, then we are set up for aging, or oxidation to take place. Oxidation is part of the inflammatory pathway.
More specifics to a gluten free diet can be found in the articles posted below. It’s more important than ever to clean up our diets for the sake of clearing out disease processes and getting our immune systems ready to do battle most effectively.
Thank you for reading my post and let me know if you would like help with getting rid of the toxic products in your home, I have plenty of good ideas and would be honored to help you.
Much love, peace and healing,
Paula Baron P.T.
Find further info on the web at these hashtags: #pureliving316 #biohackyourbody#paulabaron

Hello, and thank you for coming to my blog.
This blog is intended to give you articles that will help you work your way up to better health, whether it is through learning about the dangers of too much radiation caused by all the convenient electrical devices in use today or taking a supplement in higher doses than you previously did, as you begin to understand more about functional medicine and also depletion of certain vitamins and minerals in the body and in our soil.
Food is not the same today as it was 100 years ago and so we should not be expecting the same results from eating, a head of lettuce, for example.
So hang on to your skeptability and open up your mind to a world where excellent health is possible. Prayer will also be spoken of and so will God’s word. I am a mixture of all these things which I will refer to as being a “bio-hacker” or practicing the art of BIO HACKING. What this means in simple terms is short cuts to help the body function better, as it was designed by God, to heal itself.
How much sense does that make? Well, you don’t have to answer that yet, I will attempt to do that as I summarize great scientific articles, hopefully reducing the intimidation of where to start with your health or your child’s health, one “bio-hacking” step at a time.
The first articles will deal with supplementation. Getting the gut healthy is of utmost importance if the rest of the systems in the body are going to work right as well. If you don’t get this cleaned out it will be like trying to change the oil in your car without first emptying out the old oil. Pointless.
The other key to remember is that this process should not be done quickly. If you attempt to get rid of toxic waste held in your colon that has been there for 30 years then you will feel like you have had a rat die inside you and you are working to extract him through a narrow passage way. Sorry, was that too graphic?
What I am trying to say is start slowly. See how your body copes with having layers of waste removed from it’s insides and then slowly replacing the lost materials with high quality nutrient dense foods and high quality supplements at a higher dose than normal, to get you through as painlessly as possible.
Thank you for your interest in my services; Including the ITOVI scan and Wellness Consult. In our 50 minute session, we will cover your current wellness regimen, including diet, supplements and exercise and offer some possible tweaks or changes and complete an ITOVi scan which is explained here:
The iTOVi scanner is a revolutionary device that leverages galvanic skin response to help individuals discover which wellness products their body strongly reacts to. This innovative technology allows for a highly personalized approach to wellness, acknowledging the uniqueness of each individual's body and its responses. In less than 90 seconds, the iTOVi scanner can measure the electrical conductivity of the skin and identify significant changes, offering insights into which products may be most beneficial.
The results from an iTOVi scan categorize products into Emotional and Physical groups, based on your body's reactions. This not only shows that your body had a favorable reaction to certain products but also assists in enhancing mood and overall well-being when these products are used.
Product recommendations will then be discussed with you as well as sent to you in an email for you to decide which you would like to add to your wellness regimen! Order your top three, top ten or just the few you don't already have in your collection. It's all up to you.
New to Young Living Wellness products? I can help you sign up for a free account and get started!
Blessings and much love to you,
Paula Baron P.T.