I live in an apartment, so although I cannot eliminate the electricity running through adjoining walls, I can have some rooms that have less radiation exposure. My meter is the one on the left.

Please do not judge the messenger, the effects of radiation coming from electrical wiring is real and me being sensitive is a gift to you, because I can warn you, even though you might not “feel” something is wrong. Your cells know it. I know it. Now it is time for you to know better, do better.
Love her.
I hesitate whether or not to mention it but what the hay. In my case, being highly electrosensitive required me to take yet another step in eliminating radiation coming into my bedroom from my neighbor’s weather radar as well as all the WIFI coming from the neighborhood. I don’t know what else was coming in, but I decided to do an experiment of sorts.

Side note: I’ve read where you can ground your mat using the electrical outlet however I found that this caused me to be picking up a lot of dirty electricity and I ended up getting a high body voltage. Not good.

Anyhow, onward and upward as they say. Who says that anyways? Sorry, I digress.

Today’s blog post is all about two herbs that were discovered quite by accident by one of our own CF mothers! I would like to thank Sam, for her life changing discovery. She was even able to get funding for a study, which in today’s pharmaceutical world speaks volumes for the importance of this herbal combination.
There isn’t much to say about today’s topic, as the title says it all really. Serving size and recommendations are all written out on a page I will link you to here at the bottom. What I do think bears explaining here is exactly what the CFTR gating mechanism is and so it may help you to understand further about gene mutations and how we can influence them with herbs and other natural therapies.
Let’s start with the basics of cells. Cells have DNA inside them which is told what to do by genes. Genes can give good directions or as in the case of the CF gene, give bad directions to the DNA which then make malformed proteins. More specifically, the proteins formed are folded and so cannot do their job properly, which is to travel to the edge of the cell and form a channel, in which chloride can properly flow into the cell which is important for proper hydration of a cell. Not enough water in the cell equals thick sticky mucus rather than thin slippery mucus.

While we are told this information about CF, what is not emphasized is the fact that we are a protein machine. More than half of the cells contents are made up of proteins. And if we positively influence the rest of the cellular content then we can have hope to thin out thick sticky CF mucus.
The other missing piece of information that is not told, is that we can use natural therapies to influence the DNA thereby influencing the genes. Notice we are not changing the sequence of the gene but influencing the DNA to work it’s best at silencing the bad information it gets from abberant genes like the ones causing Cystic Fibrosis.
The body is amazing in that it always seems to have a second or even third way to correct a deficiency. If we even partially correct the first issue, we can also count on the other mechanisms to also kick into action in order to make cell function as close to normal as possible.
We want our DNA functioning as perfectly as possible in order to have the best shot at optimal cellular health. This is the subject of my other blogs in this bio-hacking series. Bio-hacking is a fancy word for biological short cuts to influence health via the DNA. Of utmost importance would be my blog on how environmental factors influence DNA. https://pureliving316.com/blog/29182/environmental-factors-that-influence-your-dna
It all comes back to reducing inflammation so the body can operate at peak performance. I would once again say a deep thanks to this selfless mother who gathered data and made a difference throughout the world.
We need more studies of her kind and we also need physicians who are willing to listen to the anectdotal evidence so that parents can have open honest interactions with their doctors about what seems to be working and what doesn’t. Until then, we will continue to have a serious breakdown in care for our children with CF.

Epi. What does that mean? Above.

- Clean up your thinking. “Huh? You say.” As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. So goes an old Proverb. If you think you are sick and dying with a terminal illness then the body will be sure to go in that direction. This is why it is key to be around people who think like you, that CF is not the death threat that doctors and nurses believe it to be.

- Clean up your thinking. Oh, did I write that already? Guess this one bears repeating. It cannot be emphasized enough. Kind of like God’s word where he repeats himself a LOT. The word most often found in scripture is “fear”. As in, do not fear. You will find this word over 99 times in the Old and New Testaments. Why? It is detrimental to your body’s health. Cortisol levels go up (a catabolic hormone), tissue breakdown is imminent and the immune system is suppressed when we are stressed or fearful.

- Clean up your language. Isn’t that related to your thinking? Well, yes and no. If you are thinking negative thoughts all day about your health, you might as well be speaking curses over yourself or your loved one. Although speaking has a whole additional level of impact on a person’s cellular network. And you thought cellular networks were just for mobile phones? Nope.
- Speak life not death. The power of life and death is in the tongue. Another powerful verse in the scriptures that gives us guidelines to live by. This does not mean you have to lie or not speak about difficult things but the phrasing and the way in which you ultimately believe i.e. think about the health condition will also impact the cellular function.

- We are a protein machine. Some people will lead you to believe that you are what your genes say you are. That it is all in the genes and the DNA. The thing you are likely not told is that you can up-regulate a disease or down regulate it by things you do that impact the cellular network. Please don’t give this disease more power than it already is given by the medical community in general that will tell you that your disease WILL progress and a limited life span is imminent.
- The cells are made up of more than half proteins. Why does this matter to you? Because you can influence the protein network to thereby influence the DNA which in turn can eventually influence the genes. There I said it. CF is not an incurable disease but it is one that can be influenced, it just depends on what lengths you are willing to work on it.
How do I change my thinking considering what I have been told and what I have read online?